August 25, 2014

Come back to bed.

Would you please come back to bed, my love?
Let's make this moment our whole life.
Be close to me, my darling, as we keep feeling our love spreading across our worlds colliding.

Stay in bed with me just this once, my baby.
Let me be with your good arms around me, till there is no more time in this universe we share.
Stay and find all my loose ends, sweet love, as you search for my skin with the lights dimmed low.

Let's live forever under these sheets, my dearest.
Let's pretend there is no one else outside... no sin, no limit.
Just stay and break my heart, dear baby... break it gently, out of my chest, as you softly kiss my sorrowful lips.

Lay next to me on this lonely night, sweetheart.
Keep smiling, while you look at me with the only eyes that can appease my soul... The very same eyes who quietly unsettled it.
Come back to me for one more instant of heaven, baby and don't let love leave this room with your heart.

Would you please come back to bed, my love?
Just be here, by my side, and let me unfold you while it's all still real...
Let me wander into your scarred unknown to try and bring you home.

Keep your hand on mine, my love, keep our planets aligned...

I can only promise you that there's no place like home.

There's no place like home.

Understand me I need you now
Surround me with your words
Understand me I need your love."

                   Per Arne Bertheussen

August 14, 2014

If life was the movie playing in my head.

Let's stay in tonight. We will have a drink or two, laugh at the words cautiously unspoken and smile while trying to capture every careful detail in each other's eyes. Our fears will be running maniacally inside our souls and we will dare them to stop us from being, just once more, as peaceful as we were tonight.